Dog's Diet

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Summertime is a beautiful season with clear blue skies, lush fields, and, of course, strawberry season! These tasty tiny berries are considered a superfood for humans, and we frequently eat them by themselves or add them to nutritious smoothies. But when we savor these juicy, sweet fruits, we may probably spot a large, gentle pair of eyes staring at us, begging for just one bite.

We’ve all seen and fallen for the infamous “puppy dog eyes” trick, but can dogs eat strawberries? Do dogs benefit from strawberries? Read on to see if you can bring your dog for your next snack.

Lee&Pol continuously researches safe and healthy treat recipes by combining strawberries with dried pollock, carefully removing salt and bones over 24 hours, to ensure the best for your dog’s health!

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Can Dogs eat Strawberries?

Addressing the main question: Yes, dogs are allowed to eat strawberries, and when given in moderation, they are generally considered safe for eating.

The secret is realizing that strawberries, a fruit that dogs naturally eat, can be a tasty and nutritious addition to a dog’s diet by providing a variety of necessary nutrients. These berries are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that promote the overall well-being of our furry friends.

But just like with any other treat, moderation is the key to preventing any potential stomach problems.

Therefore, the answer to the question, “Can my dog eat a strawberry?” is yes, but as pet parents, you should proceed with caution and offer your dog strawberries as a delightful, safe treat once in a while rather than a daily staple.

You can also check the ASPCA guidelines on toxic and non-toxic plants for animals.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Strawberries?

Yes, it is safe to feed your dog frozen strawberries. However, make sure the strawberries are plain and free from any added sugar or sweeteners before giving them to your pet.

Frozen strawberries can be a refreshing treat. These treats take longer to thaw and eat, turning them into a fun and tasty snack that can also serve as a bit of a toy for playful pups.

Can Dogs Eat Freeze Dried Strawberries?

Yes, dogs can eat freeze-dried strawberries! Freeze-drying preserves the nutrients, allowing your dog to enjoy all the health benefits of strawberries.

However, some freeze-dried strawberries contain sugar or preservatives to enhance flavor and shelf life. These ingredients can be harmful to your dog’s health.

Lee&Pol freeze-dries only fresh strawberries without adding any sugar, preservatives, or other additives!

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Your dog may benefit from strawberries, but only in small amounts. Although strawberries may include a variety of vitamins and minerals, they do not provide any additional nutritional value if the pet already has a balanced diet. Because of high sugar, strawberries are best served as a treat in moderation.

Always keep in mind that fruits are heavy in sugar and can cause diabetes, dental disease, obesity, and other health issues in dogs.

Rich in Nutrients

Dogs who receive strawberries as food have several health advantages. This tasty fruit is an outstanding source of potassium, manganese, and vitamin C.

Vitamin C is excellent for the immune function of dogs. The mineral manganese aids in the process of turning the proteins and carbs in their everyday dog food into energy. Potassium, especially when consumed in its natural state instead of being chemically added to dog food, is excellent for neuron and muscle function.

High in Fiber

Strawberries provide a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber aids indigestion and can help regulate your dog’s bowel movements, preventing constipation and promoting a healthy digestive system.

Low in Calories

Strawberries are low in calories, making them an excellent treat for dogs, especially those that need to watch their weight. They provide a tasty, nutritious snack without adding extra pounds.

Teeth Whitening

Since strawberries have an enzyme that whitens teeth, they can also help keep your dog’s teeth bright.

Lee&Pol offers the best nutritious treat for your dog by adding protein, calcium, and omega-3-rich dried pollock to complement the nutrients in strawberries!

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How to Feed Strawberry to Dogs?

  • You should give your dog strawberries that are either fresh or unsweetened. Strawberries that have been canned, sugared, or coated in syrup should not be given to them. These meals have an excessive amount of sugar and may contain harmful sweeteners and preservatives like xylitol. Additionally, avoid the ones dipped in chocolate because it is poisonous to dogs.
  • Remove the berries’ tops, stems, and leaves, then chop them into small bite-size pieces to reduce the risk of choking. Eating them may upset your dog’s stomach.
  • If you have a smaller dog, you should purée or mash the strawberries and add them to their usual diet.
  • You can also add some strawberries to your dog’s prepared food as a vitamin supplement.

Purchasing and serving organic strawberries should always be preferred. Washing the fruits carefully and thoroughly before serving is also essential.

Start feeding strawberries to your pet very slowly to see how well they are digesting the fruit, just like you would with any new food.

Diarrhea or soft stools may indicate that your dog is not enjoying strawberries or has eaten too much.

Precautions When Feeding Strawberry to Dogs

You should keep in mind the following precautions while feeding strawberries to your dog:

  • Although most dogs can eat strawberries, eating too many might cause bloating, gas, or diarrhea. First, strawberries should be introduced gradually to monitor any gastrointestinal problems.
  • Start with a small amount, two to three times a week. If you notice any loose stool, stop offering strawberries for a few days. If diarrhea doesn’t go away, stop feeding strawberries.
  • Although highly uncommon, allergies or sensitivities to strawberries can occur in dogs. When introducing new meals, keep an eye out for any indications of respiratory problems, gastrointestinal upset, or skin irritation. Visit your veterinarian if you think your dog may have a food allergy.
  • Dogs usually consume fresh strawberries without any problems. Observe how your dog responds. If adverse effects arise, lower serving sizes or cease feeding completely.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Tops?

Dogs should not eat strawberry tops. Dogs may have stomach upsets from the tough digestion of the green leaves and stems. Before providing strawberries to your dog, always remove the tops.

It is also crucial to wash the strawberries well before serving to get rid of any pollutants or pesticides.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Leaves?

Strawberry leaves should not be fed to dogs. The leaves are difficult to digest and can upset your dog’s stomach or cause other digestive problems. It is recommended to take the leaves and stems off the strawberries before offering them to your dog. Stick with the fruit; it is safer and better for your pet’s health.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries Whole?

Before offering strawberries to your dog, it is preferable to chop them up. Whole strawberries pose a blocking risk, particularly to tiny dogs. Your dog can safely enjoy this healthful food without the risk of stomach problems if the fruit is prepared properly.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries Stems?

Dogs should not eat strawberry stems. Your dog may face stomach distress due to the difficult digestion of the stems. Always take the leaves and stems off before giving your dog strawberries. This guarantees that your dog will consume the healthful fruit and prevents any possible stomach problems.

How Much Strawberry Can a Dog Eat?

Dogs should eat strawberries in moderation. Larger dogs can eat up to four strawberries daily, while smaller dogs can only eat one. To prevent clogging, start with one or two small strawberries and chop them. Keep an eye out for indications of stomach distress or allergic reactions in your dog. It’s advisable to feed strawberries as an occasional treat rather than a routine snack because eating too many of them can create stomach problems.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries Every Day?

Strawberries shouldn’t be fed to dogs every day. Despite their health benefits, they ought to be reserved for special occasions. Overindulging in strawberries might cause stomach problems and nutritional imbalances for your dog. Maintaining the health of your dog requires moderation.


Strawberries make a delicious treat for dogs when given in moderation. These tiny red berries are packed with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants for a dog’s overall well-being. To prevent choking, you should slice the strawberries into bite-sized pieces. You should also introduce the strawberries gradually to avoid stomach discomfort and restrict the amount, as too many can result in diarrhea or other digestive problems.

Strawberries allow your dog to safely enjoy the delicious pleasures of summer fruit season alongside you, provided they are fed properly as an occasional snack.


Small portions of plain, unsweetened strawberry yogurt are safe for dogs. Yogurts with artificial sweeteners, flavors, or additional sugars should be avoided as they may be dangerous. For dogs, plain yogurt can be a nutritious treat that helps digestion because it contains good microorganisms. To ensure your dog accepts new meals successfully and has no negative responses, always introduce them gradually and in tiny amounts.

No, dogs should not eat strawberry ice cream. It contains significant amounts of sugar and dairy, which can cause stomach troubles, including diarrhea and flatulence. Dogs may also be harmed by substances included in ice cream, such as artificial flavorings and sweeteners. Consider chilling plain, unsweetened yogurt with little bits of strawberry instead for a tastier treat.

Avoid giving strawberry jam to dogs. It has a lot of sugar and can have additives or artificial preservatives that are bad for dogs. Dogs that consume too much sugar may become obese, develop dental troubles, and experience other health concerns. Provide fresh strawberries as a healthier substitute instead. When giving your dog new meals, always get advice from your veterinarian.

You shouldn’t feed strawberry jelly to dogs. It has a lot of sugar and can have ingredients or preservatives that are bad for dogs. Too much sugar intake can result in dental issues, obesity, and other health problems. Provide fresh strawberries as a healthier substitute instead. For the sake of your dog’s safety and well-being, always get advice from your veterinarian before adding new foods to their diet.

Strawberries can be eaten in moderation by pregnant dogs. But, if your dog eats the tops or leaves of strawberries, it can cause uterine contractions and increase the risk of premature birth, so they must be removed.

Strawberries are not bad for dogs when given in moderation. They are a healthy snack high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. On the other hand, diarrhea or upset stomach can result from overfeeding strawberries. Always offer your dog small, manageable portions of strawberries, and watch for any adverse reactions.

Dogs with diabetes can eat strawberries in moderation. Even though strawberries have less sugar than other fruits, you should consult with your veterinarian to make sure they meet your dog’s unique dietary requirements. Moderation is key since even naturally occurring sweets can affect blood sugar levels. Always keep an eye on how new foods affect your diabetic dog.

Alan Jo
Pet Food Columnist
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